All posts by START InSight
by Flavia Giacobbe, Director Formiche and Airpress Pandemic, crisis, vaccines and recovery. The great spotlight of politics and public opinion..
by Alessandra Lanzetti The killing of the French professor Samuel Paty and the recent attacks conducted in Nice and Wien,..
by Barbara Lucini, ITSTIME “Cattolica” University The pandemic scenario that emerged with the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic has highlighted..
by Chiara Sulmoni, START InSight The concepts of preventing and countering violent extremism (PVE / CVE) gained prominence along with..
In my role as Executive Director of the ReaCT Observatory, I am honoured to introduce #ReaCT2021, the 2nd Report on..
by Mattia Caniglia, World Terror Watch Director at the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center In February 2020, the city..
by Matteo Bressan, SIOI While most European countries have been reluctant to repatriate their citizens, who have joined the Islamic..
by Raffaello Pantucci, RSIS-NTU, Singapore and ReaCT The complexity of the terror threat picture faced by the UK was recently..
by Claudio Bertolotti Terrorism and immigration: links and challenges 89% of terror attacks in Europe were carried out by second..
by Stefano Mele, President of the Cybernetics Security Commission of the Italian Atlantic Committee [1] Al Baghdadi’s death in October 2019..