All posts by START InSight
by Francesco Rossi, MacroCrimes, Start InSight, EU Law Live Countering terrorism is a priority goal for many governments. After each..
by Marco Lombardi, ITSTIME, Catholic University. The pandemic seemed to have sidelined terrorism when, suddenly, October 2020 revived the threat..
by Claudio Bertolotti The new terrorism in Europe, in numbers 436 terrorist attacks, including failed and foiled ones, were recorded..
In my role as Executive Director of the ReaCT Observatory, I am honoured to introduce #ReaCT2021, the 2nd Report on..
by Andrea Molle Download the full analysis in pdf The influence of conspiracy theories on politics presents serious threats to..
by Alessia Melcangi, Atlantic Council – University “La Sapienza” Download the full analysis (pdf) The latest developments in the Libyan..
by Enrico Casini, Europa Atlantica The November 2020 Vienna attack claimed by the Islamic State terrorist group, has recalled attention..
by Andrea Molle Scholars and analysts typically look at conspiracy theories focusing on their conduciveness to fake news and the..
Libya: consequences of the Libya-Turkey joint military collaboration by Claudio Bertolotti On 15th September, the UN Security Council tasked Secretary-General..
Algeria: The growing importance of Algeria-Turkey relations Both Algeria and Turkey are keen to build a relationship that is mutually..